Known Issues/Things To Be Fixed

Hello all, 

I'm working on trying to fix up the battles and some other bugs that you have reported. 

Carmen's House Sends You Back To Chapter One 

  • If you touch or interact with the door in Chapter Three, it will shoot you back to the very beginning of the game. RPGMaker replicated an event, for some reason, and this event will be removed in version 1.6. 

Items Not Working 

  • The Sunny D Don't Die Revive was only serving as a HP refill item for group members. I'm not quite sure what happened, as in previous builds it was working fine, but this will be fixed in version 1.6. 

Battle Issues 

  • A lot of people reported that they weren't able to beat a few of the enemies, namely in Chapters Two and Three.  I thought that this might be because of high defense levels (all enemies in Chapters Two and Three have 30 defense) but this was... not the case. 
    • I adjusted the attack levels for enemies down in case this was somehow impacting your ability to hit people 
    • I removed ALL enemies' abilities to evade attacks. Before they had a 5% chance of evading attacks, but it sounds like for whatever reason, there was some sort of parameter set within the game that was like, increasing that chance by a lot. 
    • The Slugger skill had a 70% success rate, which I increased to 100%, so you can use it every single time and it will land a hit. 

Standing/Talking Issues 

  • I've mentioned this in another post on the discussion board, but there are times where if you stand in a certain area that blocks the pathway of the characters, it breaks the game. I'm going to see if I can explore ways that I can "skip" the movement if you are in the way. For now, if you come across a place where the game breaks, try reloading from a save point and standing in another place before talking to a character. 

Additions and Things To Be Posted To Discussion Boards


That's the end of everything that I've got right now. Some of these bugs, I've got to be honest, are baffling me because I'm not quite sure how/why they exist, which is making it difficult to fix them. Carmen's door, and the Sunny D Don't Die Revive are things that I'm pretty sure weren't there, and possibly got screwed up before export. 

Please keep reporting bugs and letting me know what you come across. I'm working full time right now, so I'm not going to have this build/patch out until this weekend at the earliest. 

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Continuing to work on the patch/update! Found a few other things that needed fixed-- like the armor? Apparently the armor hasn't been working??? Yeah so I'm fixing that. 

Did not get a chance to work on the Battle Guide or any of the other patches, but the maps are here! Please visit the community board: